Saturday 22 December 2012

22nd December - Advent of Awesome

Fun fact: the busiest time of year for a hospital’s maternity ward is September. Ergo that makes December the most popular month for couples to engage in activities that would almost certainly put them on Santa’s naughty list.

Maybe it’s the cosy nights spent indoors, the bottle of mulled wine shared in front of a roaring fire, the way her eyes sparkle in the fairylights, or probably the sexy santa outfit she’s rocking underneath that outfit. We’re not quite sure why a sexy santa outfit is sexy, a point made all the more potent by the folks at Booya pictures on Youtube below....

 ....but it is, best not to question it too much gents, just enjoy: 

Angelic Rogue
Images from Google Images and video from youtube. All image rights to their respective owners.

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