Friday 7 December 2012

6th December - Advent of Awesome

Now the Christmas hols have finally come around you’re gonna want some top class festive entertainment. Movies that will get you into the Christmas spirit, movies for the family, ones that you can watch with that special someone, movies that’ll make you feel like a big kid, the classics, the thrillers, and the ones for the day when you can’t move from eating too much turkey. So without further ado, turn down the lights, turn on the surround sound, and in the glow of your Christmas tree kick back on the couch with a tin of Quality Street and enjoy our top xmas movies:

The Great Escape – It’s on every year, we’ve watched it 20 times over, but you know what? We still find ourselves biting our nails as the POWs make for the tree line, laugh each time Hilts gets marched to the cooler, cry out at MacDonald’s blunder at the bus stop, and love every moment that they stick it to the Gestapo and breakout in the face of impossible odds. We’ll be damned if we miss it this year. It’s just so bloody British and Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without it.

The Grinch – How did he steal Christmas again? This would be one just for the kids if it wasn’t for Jim Carrey’s blinding performance as the green haired grumpy recluse broadening the viewership to all ages. Tis heart-warming funny stuff, chock-a-block with rhyming couplets, and we learnt about the real meaning of Christmas along the way

Muppet Christmas Carol – The Muppets are awesome, anyone who says different I dare you to watch this movie and tell me by the end of it that you don’t feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Perhaps the best re-telling of ‘A Christmas Carol’, filled with songs and humour, Michael Caine as Scrooge, and Gonzo as Dickens, this one’s the whole family will enjoy.

Love Actually – Oh god she’s putting in ‘Love Actually’, she’s actually chosen ‘Love Actually’. When I said she could pick any DVD...yup, ok, there’s two hours of my life I’ll never get back. Then I actually watched the damn thing and you know what? I actually enjoyed it. Gents sit through this, it isn’t as bad as you think and actually as far as chick flick romantic comedies go this one is quite funny. You’ll score major points with your Mrs too.

Eastern Promises – Ok you’ve sat through one of her movies (and secretly enjoyed it) now it’s your turn. So how about an awesome crime thriller with Russian gangsters based in London? Dark themes, gritty content and with an awesome plot twist? Yup that’ll do. Why is it on our Christmas movie watch list?…there’s a Christmas meal scene in it at some point I think.

Die Hard – “Now I have a machine gun – HO – HO – HO” Not only is this one of the best Christmas movies (set on Christmas Eve) this is one of the best movies ever made. Ever. DIE HAAAAARD!! You’re not a real man until you piss off and take on a group of international terrorists, foil their robbery single handed, and save your woman all in the same evening.

It’s a Wonderful Life – Everyone now, put on your best James Stewart impression “I wish I had a million dollars - click – Hot Dog!”. This has gotta be number one on my Christmas movie list, it may be old fashioned but it’s got everything you’d want in a feel good movie, a story about life and love, chasing you’re dreams and the realisation of what’s really important. Put this on and you and your other half will be cozied up on the couch in a matter of minutes.

The Nightmare before Christmas – This movie treads a fine line. As a small kid I was somewhere between joining in with the songs and being freaked out as all hell, the fact that I couldn’t decide which possibly confused me more. None-the-less Tim Burton’s contribution certainly makes for the most original Christmas tale and heck probably paved the way for a whole generation that would grow up to become hot alternative emo chicks. Thank you Tim Burton.

Joyeux Noël – Ok, I haven’t actually watched this movie yet, but I really want to. I just love the idea of it; based on a true story, somewhere in the trenches both sides in the First World War laid down their arms for Christmas Eve and upheld the notion of peace on earth and good will to all men.

Batman Returns – Burton strikes again. Set over the Christmas holidays, Batman takes on the criminal duo of both The Penguin and Catwoman. It’s both cheesy and extravagant, especially in comparison to the latest Batman flicks, but good fun all the same. Plus we didn’t even know that we had a bit of a latex fetish until we finished watching it.

Elf - there a lot of Christmas movies that try to bring the laughter with a sweet storyline but most either fall a bit short, get boring or just come off corny. Elf kinda pokes fun at its own genre and in doing so manages to dodge this bullet. Personally it’s not my fav xmas movie but I know a lot of people who do like it. Fairly good for the time of year, it's carried off well by Will Farrell, and most importantly features the very sexy Zooey Deschanel

Jurassic park - This is a bit of a personal one for me. I remember when this movie was released for the first time on TV as THE Hollywood blockbuster movie that everyone was looking forward to tuning into on Christmas Day. I was one of those kids who was a bit dino mad and was allowed to stay up with the family to watch it. I loved every second. Ok so it’s not really Christmassy in itself....

....but how about now:

Angelic Rogue
Images from Google Images and video from youtube. All image rights to their respective owners.

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