Tuesday 17 June 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy New Trailer

Everyone loves a band of miscreant misfits which perhaps explains why Marvel Studios has side stepped their standard single superhero movie origin formula and instead gone whole hog to throw together the Guardians of the Galaxy (based on the 2008 team as oppose to the 1960’s version) this summer. Will it pay off? You can check out Marvel UK’s latest trailer, released today, down below:

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Back to the Future hits Secret Cinema


Bringing their ingenious blend of cult cinema classics with unrivalled viewer entertainment experiences the fine folks over at Secret Cinema will be screening Back to the Future this summer, complete with a recreation of Hill Valley (Take a peek on Twitter with #SecretHillValley). The bad news was there was such a flurry of fans buying tickets they sold out faster than a speeding Delorean. The GOOD NEWS is they’ve added new dates and tickets that can be bought here

“If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88mph you’re gonna see some serious shit”

Thursday 22 May 2014

Break the Bank at Lola's

Who hasn’t dreamed of winning it big on the roll of a dice? For those who dare to take on the dealer you can try your hand (and your luck) over at Lola’s - London’s only underground casino!

Thursday 15 May 2014


There’s something fishy over at London Bridge. Glance across the rooftops on the south side of the train station and you might see the sculpture that’s, literally, been turning commuter’s heads. “It’s not a subtle piece; there’s no ambiguity” Clare Misselbrook, it’s creator, tells us “I wanted it to be obvious from the train so it was immediately accessible to art lovers and non art lovers alike”.

Are you what you eat’ is about plastics entering the human food chain via fish that are surrounded by plastic particles in the ocean. Made 100% from materials diverted from landfills the eco-artist was keen to show off the creativity and ingenuity in us all, “But with this power comes the responsibility of what we’re going to do with it.” “The first step is realising that we are using these things, and we're using them en mass. We cannot think that just throwing something "away" means it doesn't exist anymore. This is what I want to engage commuters in; a thought process about their habits and a conversation on how to improve their impact on the planet.”     

The installation will adorn the rooftop space of arts organisation 47/49 until Friday 23rd so be sure to keep an eye out as you pull into London. If you spot it, you can join in and tweet #plasticlunch to keep the conversation going and to share some great plastic saving ideas. Your commute just got a lot more cultured.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Mad About Buses?

2014 is the Year of the Bus. Yes, really. Sure, these scarlet speedsters seemingly follow illogical routes and maddening timetables but they’re as intrinsic to London as any leading landmark and city life just wouldn’t be the same without them. In anniversary of their 100 years of steadfast service you can alight at London’s Transport Museum from 16th May to catch ‘Goodbye Piccadilly: from Home Front to Western Front’ – an exhibition revealing the untold history of our remarkable routemasters. And for true vehicle enthusiasts, Catford Bus Garage in Lewisham will be opening their garage doors to the public this Sunday in the first in a series of one-off public access days across the capital. Historic vehicles, family activities, no oyster required.

Monday 5 May 2014

Season 3 Starts - Epic Rap Battles of History

Those masters of ridiculous rapping rhetoric are at it again with Season 3 of Epic Rap Battles of History. Expect plenty more of those deliciously degrading verses of verbal abuse complete with those titanic character throwdowns that we all so enjoy and what better way than to kick it all off than with Rick Grimes vs. Walter White. Nice. 

Monday 28 April 2014

Squid Girl Review

World domination is her ultimate goal. Borne from the sea, pompously determined and with blue tentacles for hair, Squid girl plans to conquer the human race, halt the pollution of the seas…and then enjoy all the shrimp she can eat.