Monday 17 December 2012

17th December - Advent of Awesome

How to avoid putting on Christmas Weight

With little over a week to go until the big day we’re already anticipating all the good food we’re going to eat. Turkey, potatoes, stuffing, gravy, parsnips, pigs in blankets, Christmas pudding, mince pies, chocolates, cheese and crackers...and a terry’s chocolate orange. We’re going to get more stuffed than a Christmas turkey and at 5pm slip into a food coma. Yeah Christmas Day will be a bad day for our diets but to avoid putting on a belly like a bowl full of jelly (like a certain cheery gent we know this time of year), tis better to follow Avant Garde’s advice:

Strictly speaking there’s nothing wrong with going a bit food mad on the day, it’s the week before and the week after you’ve got to watch out for. With all those temptative treats like tins of sweets and bowels of twiglets lying about, a mountain of sweet things you’ve got as gifts that you can munch through, and booze infused Christmas Eves/Christmas day/New Years, moderation throughout this period is key. Abstaining from snacky things is a good start and if you have to go for a handful of pringles make sure it’s just the one and then move them outta sight.

Don’t just sit infront of the TV, it’s easy to unexpectedly go through a whole box of Roses when you’re watching program after program of Christmas TV. So since the family’s round, play some games, charades will have you up and about and even the classic board games like Trivial Pursuit will keep your mind preoccupied. It’s exactly as corny as it sounds but will actually turn out quite fun. If all else fails ditch em and play your new xbox game, thus keeping your hands busy and food stuffs downstairs.

Avoid pastry like the plague. They may be festive but mince pies are loaded with calories, simply taking off the pastry lid cuts the calorie intake of one by more than a third. Cut back on the deserts and if you have to douse any in cream or custard to make it more palatable, consider whether you really want to eat it in the first place.

After your Christmas meal nabbing the comfy chair, kicking back and dozing through the rest of the day seems like a good idea. A better one would be to go for a brisk walk in the early evening air. Not only will it wake you up a bit, but it will work off that festive feast you just ate, plus if your other half is with you this year, then there’s nothing more romantic than a nice quiet stroll arm in arm on Christmas Day. Added bonus: you might get out of having to do the washing up.

Keep in mind that if you watch what you eat from today, and are good from 26th to 31st too, not only will you keep the holiday weight down but will infact have a headstart on any ‘diet’ related New Year’s resolutions as well.

Angelic Rogue
Images from Google Images. All image rights to their respective owners

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