Wednesday 19 December 2012

19th December - Advent of Awesome

Our Fav Christmas Drinks

Tis the season to be jolly; and what better way than with some festive drinks. Perfect for spreading holiday cheer or perhaps the perfect remedy from spending too much time with the family. Either way here are our top 5 drinks we’ll be enjoying over the next 7 days:

Jack Daniels
Woah woah, there’s more reasoning for this choice beyond my obvious love for JD. Jack's worthy of a special mention due to the extra effort they made this year setting up a Christmas tree with a difference in Covent Garden. If you look carefully this entire 9 tier festive structure is made from 140 JD whisky barrels. Needless to say I stared starry eyed at it for quite a while...

Mulled Wine
Yeah we know it’s cliché but we still find ourselves surprised and suddenly feeling a lot more Christmassy when the pubs start offering this festive treat at the bar. How could we not have a glass? That said the novelty wears a bit when you spend a tenner on just two glasses and decide that you could make a whole vat of your own for same price. A better one infact! Cue a mish mash of spices, an atrocious amount of cinnamon, and more than a few cheeky swigs at the red wine before you pass out on the kitchen floor. Feeling brave? Then have a go with this recipe:

Mulled Cider
I love my cider. I love my mulled wine. So coming across the bar with MULLED CIDER scrawled in large white chalk letters at the front had me double taking almost as fast as the prospect of free booze. How had no one thought of this before? Plus it tasted a lot better than our attempt (heating up Old Rosie cider in the microwave)


One of those drinks that everyone knows but we've never been 100% sure on how it’s made. Except that it's got brandy in it. So, because we like to educate as much as to entertain: milk, eggs, sugar, vanilla. Mix. Serve with Brandy. Or cut out the middle man and just drink the brandy...

Christmas cocktails

There are a lot of vids out there on how to make the best Christmas cocktails (some of them are amazing), but lets be honest you’ll be rushing about with 101 other things to do and won’t have half of the ingredients, so here’s an easy one. Only 3 easy to buy drinks, a quick mix and there we have Christmas in a cup

Angelic Rogue
Images from Google Images and video from youtube. All image rights to their respective owners.

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