Monday 24 December 2012

24th December - Advent of Awesome

We learn that Santa is a bit of a don

Let’s face it the man stacks some fairly impressive stats; in one night he’s able to visit an estimated 526,000,000 kids across the globe, which means that for every second that ticks by tonight he’s delivered presents to 6,100 of them. This is all under cover of darkness, no one catching him and an ability to enter homes that don’t have a chimney.

He might have had some serious talent as a cat-burglar (insert Santa Claws pun here) but old’ St. Nick is far too virtuous for that. Infact he’s an absolute gent. The most popular origin story has him overhearing about a kind but bankrupt father being forced to give up his three daughters to a life of prostitution. To save these young women’s virtue St Nick visits their home and throws some coins through the window. The coins landed in stockings that had been hung up to dry (now you know where we get the tradition of hanging stockings and why you get small bags of chocolate coins) and thus their reputation and chastity was saved so that they could marry the men that they loved.

Selfless charity, the inspiration for gift giving AND rescuing chicks in their hour of need? We’ll leave out a glass of brandy for you mate, you deserve it.

Angelic Rogue
Images from Google Images - full credit to My79spirit on deviantart for Super Santa pic.
 All image rights to their respective owners.

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