Wednesday 2 January 2013

A Happy New Year's message from Rogue

2012 was a fine year; we had fun at the Olympics, toasted her Madge’s diamond jubilee (God bless ya ma’am), filled our free time with some epic games and got to experience some random shizzle across London town. Mainly 2012, was all about awesome moments and sharing it with good friends, which conveniently enough gave us many a good reason to go out and get pissed! So to that end we at Avant-Garde wanted to wish you an awesome New Year’s (we hope you had a good ’un) many a tipsy eve throughout 2013 and if you’re STILL suffering from a hangover as you sit at work today…we feel your pain.

Also don’t forget your New Year’s resolution. Two of the most popular will be improving your love life with today apparently being the busiest time for online dating sites and the other will be improving your physique with memberships skyrocketing in gyms across the UK.  So be it your aim to be lucky in love or built like a tank we wish you well. Reportedly only 1 in 11 of us will still be on track with our resolutions in 6 months time, 4 out of 10 of us will break them in the first 4 weeks. Willpower’s the word boys and girls. Here are our New Year’s Resolutions:
Rogue: To broaden my horizons…and by that I mean try new drinks at new bars across London
Dandy: A job, plenty of drinks, plus more gaming
Ne’er do well: to continue pleasing your mum in the bedroom...

Angelic Rogue

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