Thursday 13 December 2012

IOS Google Maps.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!   

iPhone now has Google Maps.

All you tech fans rejoice as Google releases its IOS mapping software in place of the fabled mis-worked Apple Maps.  I know most of you techies will find this news relieving.

This union between the mobile giants is symbiotic.  They harmonise with each other and form a coalition to bring the very best of both into a new package.  ONE THAT WORKS!!!

Check out the video below from The

It shows an in-depth use of the Apple version, and shows the sheer speed and versatility of the iPhone 5's processing power.  The A6 chip is a modern marvel.  It delivers lightning fast visuals through the 4 inch display and with 1136x640 resolution and 326 dpi the mapping looks not just visually stunning, but unbelievable on such a small piece of kit.

So what do you think?

Does this bring Apple closer to being in Google's pocket in a tiny way?  Who knows.  As far as I'm concerned this is a benefit not a hindrance to Apple's selling power.  Apple maps in comparison to the new IOS G.M cannot compete on sheer processing power, frame rate, and rendering speed.

My only downside, and this is what I have gleamed from reading online, no offline service will be available come release.  This will be released in a further patch.  Does this hinder, well with the modern world so filled with wi-fi and mobile network areas, I certainly doubt we the consumer will be queueing up asking Google for a refund.

If you want to know more, head on over to and have a read of their excellent preview on the service.

The Verge

- Images taken from Google/ CNET. 
- Notes to for their article and preview of the IOS Software.

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