Friday 8 June 2012

Assassin's Creed III - new trailer that kills the competition

Assassin’s Creed is the bane of my gaming existence. I want to love it, I really do, it’s just every time I enter the game play I realise it’s just not for me. And yet, despite knowing this, despite the numerous attempts of trying to ‘get into’ the game, despite the hours spent not completing I and II, no other series has held such a seductive appeal factor that keeps me coming back for more. Ubisoft’s latest trailer for Assassin’s Creed III is no exception. Like a siren’s call it beckoned and once again I have been lured in.

This latest instalment of the series sees you playing as Connor, the warrior son of a Native American mother and British father who, when his village is destroyed by the onset of the American Revolution, pledges to dedicate his life to the cause of freedom. Cue swiftly silent assassinations from the shadows and bloody vengeance wrecked upon chaotic battlefields.

Many critics have claimed that the AC series has become a bit lacklustre of late but III has benefited from a fresh design system that has been in production over the past two years. As they put it, they have built the game ‘from the ground up’. This promises a new kind of gaming experience. Most note worthy perhaps will be a kind of ‘fluid’ game play, which will no longer apply just to the free running sections of the game but to combat as well.

Further the environment will perhaps lend much more depth to the gaming experience. In previous games they relied heavily on cityscapes, once you exited that it always felt like a bit of a go between and the controls always seemed a bit awkward to me. In this instance the wilderness is a key aspect to the game’s features and it will be interesting to see how well this is integrated into various assassination missions – in my head I envision epic tracking scenarios i.e. following a targets blood trail across snowy mountain tops, ambushes in woodlands and using the wildlife to your advantage.

Plus the American Revolution as a backdrop gives a lot of wriggle room to really amp up the excitement factor in the game. Using a renowned battle from history to your advantage to slip in undetected or perhaps being responsible for the chain of events in Boston just locates the game a bit more and lends more to your characters role in history, making it that little bit more epic.

In any case I’m very excited for the potential that this game has, the previous Assassin’s Creeds looked fantastic in their trailers but fell just short in their game play. Number III seems to have the potential for me to finally exclaim: I love this game.

Angelic Rogue

Full credit for pictures go to these guys and girls listed below, as they were from Google image search and not my own.
Also full crdeit to the person who uploaded the video to youtube (and obviously credit to to the very fine people at Ubisoft responsible for making the game in the first place)

First pic -
Fight pic -
Ambush pic -
Battle pic -

1 comment:

  1. A well rounded commentary dear boy. I am truly expecting good things from this release.
