Thursday 11 October 2012

Borderlands 2. O no!!!

Here is the continuation of my review for this fine blog.  I have been tirelessly bashing the thumbs and killing Skags since release.

Borderlands fans I welcome you.  I doff my cap to you all.  And raise a fine glass of the venerable vino to those who actually can actually play it.  I sadly cannot.  My tireless efforts have been cast asunder.  Under a grey heavy sky I must yield and say that I am disappointed and frustrated.

My love of this game has been recently stretched.  I feel like the character below.  Pyscho'd out and ready to burst.

I am a man who loves his Borderlands but I do not appreciate when the game I love turns against me.
I am talking about the game-breaking bug which consumes ones consciousness with anger at the lack of playability of this great instalment to the franchise.

There needs to be a patch a.s.a.p, as the enjoyment of the masses is severely in jeopardy.  Whether it is the typical post-release bugs, or game breakers; a mass patch is needed.

A part of me worries whether the early 'Gold' state of the game hindered its production.  Could this boggy ground be bypassed with more work earlier on?  I doubt it is as easy as 'hard work' lacking.  I dare not bring into account the quality of the company in question, or their ideas and progress.  But something has made the game un-playable.


Images taken from Google Images.  All image rights to their respective owners. 

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