Tuesday 30 October 2012

October = Awesome

Well the summer was pretty cool and sure April had it’s moments but there’s no other month in the year quite as awesome as October. Between conkers and darkening skies, booze and kinky costumes, October quite simply kicks the arse out of the other months and here are the top 10 reasons why:

 1) Autumn begins to kick in
Apart from the chance to casually throw in the word ‘autumnal’ in a sentence, October provides us with some of the most beautiful scenery that old Mother Nature can bestow. Suddenly we’ve got leaves changing colours and flitting on the wind, small kids in puffer jackets kicking up piles of em to the annoyance of park keepers, families collecting conkers, atmospheric fogs that fall across the cityscape and gentle showers that make the pavement gleam in the early evening. It’s all rather picturesque and makes for a perfect stroll in the park, date in arm, before warming up in a nice café. You old romantic you ;)
2) You gain an extra hour

Ah the possibilities. When the clocks go back Sunday, apart from feeling that you’ve finally managed to get one over work by delaying your return, those 60 mins are all yours to play with. Maybe you could be productive and get that odd job you’ve been putting off finally done, fit in a run, expand your literary horizons and start a new book….or like us probably waste it spending an extra hour in bed.

3) Ocktoberfest
Beer served in one litre tankards, busty barmaids, standing atop tables, drunken singing, Lederhosen!!! Need we say more?

 4) Finally acceptable to chill indoors
Summer was fun and all; we had BBQ’s, played footie in the park, went on lad’s holidays and drank in beer gardens with our shades on. But now we’re tired. If we stayed indoors at any point over the summer we’d be called lazy and feel guilty for wasting the beautiful sunshine day. Now the days are getting shorter, a bit colder, a bit wetter and staying snug indoors just seems like a better option. So kick back on the couch with your girlfriend/ games console to keep you company. And the best part? It’s guilt free.

5) Games come out earlier in bid to beat Christmas rush
There was a time when game companies would keep all their biggest and most anticipated games of the year for a Christmas release, and surf that festively commercial badboy for all it was worth. However as studios got more comfortable with the capabilities of the next gen consoles, yes we got more games but at £40 a pop there were only so many we could afford to buy in one go. Marketing strategies had to change so that studios could get the most money they could from their releases without too much competition. But when was the right time to release them? Bingo – October. Perfect time of year where you’ll be spending more time indoors (see point 4) and far away enough from December’s spend thrift influence for you to reason that you can afford it. It’s Christmas come early!
6) Cheerleaders
We don’t watch a lot of American sports, hell we’ll throw a Superbowel party when it comes around, but only recently found out that the last week in October is the only time of year when all four of the major North American Sports leagues (baseball, basketball, american football, hockey) schedule their games. This means that the last week of October sees the highest number of sports played but ALSO means the highest rates of high kicking, spirit rousing, pom-pom action in the whole year. Gooooooooooo October!!

7) Get your geek on at the London expo
Yes, technically the London MCM expo comes twice a year, but since I never have enough money saved by the time the May one comes around October’s expo is the only one that really matters. Manga infused, games orientated, sexy cosplay, this convention is the epitome of geek chic….ok maybe just geek, but fun all the same.

8) Pumpkins are suddenly cool
Ok, pumpkins are always cool but you never really have an urge to buy or find as many recipes using them until October. Synonymous with Halloween, who doesn’t enjoy a decent pumpkin carving session, especially when the fruits of your laborious and creative efforts can make pieces of pumpkin art like these:

Or in reality how ours look:

9) Halloween
Arguably the best party of the year, Halloween is full of tricks and some very nice treats. This is the only time of year where you can try your luck with a sexy witch, chat up a slutty red riding hood, and go home with a risqué Poison Ivy whilst being dressed like a bit of a twit. Damn good fun. Halloween: We raise our glasses of witches brew to ye ;)
10) Yes October has many things that we can enjoy but what makes it even better is the knowledge that it’s just the beginning of a series of pretty cool months and events that we can look forward to, because after Halloween we’ll have these:

 Angelic Rogue

Image from Google Images. All image rights to their respective owners.

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