Tuesday 2 October 2012

Resi 6 - Human Butchery

We love being random at Avant-Garde, and heck, we love coming across stuff that’s as random as we are. That’s why if we hear tale of something unusual enough to make us raise an eyebrow we’re bound to check it out. Example: we heard Capcom had created a pop-up human butchery in Smithfield’s Meat market in promotion of the new Resident Evil 6 game. Boasting edible human limbs and peppered human and lemon sausages, how could we not take a trip into London and pay a visit to aptly named Wesker & Son?

In way of testament (and mini celebration) of Resi coming out today we’ve posted our pics. All proceeds were donated to the Limbless Association who provide info and support to those who have lost their limbs, so not only was it an innovative piece of promotion for a highly anticipated game but it raised awareness for a good cause too.

Random stuff indeed. Just one more reason to check out Resi this weekend.

Angelic Rogue

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