Wednesday 5 December 2012

1st December - Advent of Awesome

We’ve had a ton of bloody good games this year, and quite frankly it’s hard to decide which ones we should pitch for you to buy this Christmas as a cheeky gift from you to you. That said, we kinda liked Assassin’s Creed 3. Ne’er do well gave me a stirring synopsis of the game, complete with critique, gameplay mechanics, overarching themes and plot point specifics but this was at the pub and I was FAR too blitzed to remember. So if you’re on the fence about this game then perhaps this nice little vid done by the awesome boys and girls at devinsupertramp on Youtube will swing your vote. And even if creed isn’t your cup o ’tea the vids good fun all the same.

Angelic Rogue

Images from Google Images and video from youtube. All image rights to their respective owners.

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