Wednesday 5 December 2012

Advent Calendar of Awesome

We’ve hit December! It’s finally acceptable to get yourself a huge tree, bust out the decorations, order a ‘mulled’ something or other at the bar and start getting excited about Christmas. Of course the most important thing about Christmas is the presents. Yeah there’s a lot to be said about ‘peace on earth and good will to all men’, but c’mon we know that you’re looking forward to a nice haul of gifts this year.
Not sure what you fancy asking for? Haven’t got yourself an advent calendar just yet? Then how about some inspiration from Avant-Garde as we count down the days with our Advent of Awesome! We’ll signpost you to something fun each day just for a laugh and who knows maybe you’ll get some gift ideas to request from your family/ significant other and dodge the dodgy present of a Christmas tie. Either way we hope you’ll enjoy the countdown to Christmas.

If any are confused about what the hell an advent Calendar is (seriously?) we'll let the folks at rubydog189 from youtube enlighten you:

Happy Holidays folks!

Images from Google Images and video from youtube. All image rights to their respective owners.

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